
Saturday, September 30, 2006


So I haven't posted in awhile. I also haven't been running as much as I'd like lately.

At the moment I'm holed up at home the sickest I've been in awhile. It sucks. I've literally been unable to move for the past 4 days. This is day 5. Today though I did get outside for a little while --- so that's good. Sore throat, migraine, cold sweats -- the whole bit. A friend has me all paranoid that I might have mono -- which sucks, but we'll see --- I'll go to the Dr. on monday if it still sucks for a throat swab.

That's it. Something tells me I'm not making it out for my 18k run this weekend.

I'm scared about where this leaves me for the half.

Monday, September 04, 2006

Long Run Report.

So I tried 2 Gels today ---

The GU Vanilla Bean ---

Taste = 5/5 --- tastes like vanilla pudding! Also has a great texture and was easy to eat.

Functionality = 4/5 ---- I'm not sure what I'm expecting about these gels -- but it was good, and gave me a pick-me-up.... but it also upset my stomach slightly immediately after I ate it.

The GU Chocolate --

Taste = 4.5/5 --- VERY good, but also very sweet & thick. Reminded me of chocolate icing.

Functionality ----- same as the Vanilla..... but I couldn't get that sweet taste out of my mouth. Didn't leave an aftertaste though.

I actually went about 20k on my run today --- I ran the first 15 and walked the last 5 (and let me tell you, that was a LONG 5k to walk!) ----- my legs are sore and I'm exhausted, but it was a decent run, all things considered.

My brain's a little mushy right now.........


It's hard to get up and motivated for a run that you KNOW is going to suck.

Today's my first attempt at an 18k LSD. I'm still in the process of mapping out my route (and waking up) -- but I'm really not feeling it today already. I'm going to load some new music onto my IPOD and hopefully that will increase my motivation factor some.

So yes -- 18k this morning - I'm looking to do it at an 8min/km pace (ie. SLOW!), which would mean that the entire run would be about an hour and 24 minutes. Ideally I'll actually be running at a more reasonable 6min/km pace, but I want to take lots of walk breaks so that I don't feel like I'm going to die today.

I think today I'm going to try the GU gels -- and fill up one of the bottles in my fuel belt with Red Gatorade. The other 3 bottles will hold water.

I'm also looking into participating in the Rolling Hills Half-marathon --- well, no, not the half-marathon, because it falls on October 1 and I'm already committed to running Toronto on October 15. But I was thinking of trekking it up there for a decent 10k race through Parry Sound. I would REALLY like to cut my 10k time down to under an hour (from a 66 minute PB) --- and I think I could do it on this course....

Okay -- I'm awake -- going to get dressed and try to do some stretching. I"m going to attempt something I haven't done yet --- I'm going to run out pretty far with the intention of taking the TTC home...... I figure by the time I finish my run the subways will be moving for the morning.......


Wish me luck!