
Sunday, July 30, 2006

And this is the Sunday Report.

Planned LSD -- 10-12km
Actual LSD Run -- 7.8km
Total Distance Travelled today -- 14km (the last half was walked).

Freaking hot morning today -- plus a crappy run. It did about 8k before I started to peter out a little. So I walked, got a freezie, and walked some more. It was a BAD idea to run out 7k before turning around -- it made the 14km walk home VERRRRY long!

I really hate it when I have a bad long run -- it makes me feel like I'm falling behind in training. Sometimes that kicks my ass, sometimes it just makes me doubt whether I'll get that 21km done in October.

I dunno -- tomorrow I'll get up early and do an easy 5km in the morning. I think improving my shorter distances will help with my longevity when it comes to the long runs.

Must go -- no point in stretching this out further.


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