
Friday, April 21, 2006

I am the laziest 1/2-marathoner I know!

...okay, I'm really the ONLY half-marathoner I know.

I've had a lazy lazy week filled with bad food, no sleep, and even a Wednesday night smoke :P (Yes - the cigarette tasted SO good -- my first in 3 months -- but I'm still feeling the effects today! Yuck!). Oh -- I forgot to mention that I didn't get any exercise in their either! Not since Monday anyways.....

So it's Friday now -- I'm at home. I think I'm going to do some strip-tease aerobics later on, just to feel like I'm doing something to counter the 2000 calories I've eaten today!

I made arrangements for some super-exercise tomorrow though -- at 9:30 I'm going to meet Jill, my running buddy, at the park for a morning run -- then there's driving school from 11-1, and then SWORDFIGHTING class at 2pm! So exciting, all sorts of exercise happening tomorrow - which is good because tomorrow night is a party that will inevitably lead to lots of drinks!

I'll post later in the afternoon tomorrow to update on my sore muscles.


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